Sitemap - 2023 - Impact & Growth from Ring Capital

Why Europe needs to define impact investing to change the world

Both by Ring #17 - Joining the forces to have greater impact... EDHEC x Ring = Generations

'The entrepreneurial spirit is critical to positively transforming the world'

Both by Ring #16 - Back to school and to the massive challenges we face

'Deviants are entrepreneurs who are marginalized because they challenge the status quo, or 'business as usual.'

Both by Ring #15 - 🎸 How do we sleep while our beds are burning? 🔥

‘In 5 to 10 years, businesses will question the quality of their carbon footprint reduction efforts, rather than just the quantity. ’

Both by Ring #14 - Investing massively to transform our economy and bring solutions to social and environmental issues.

‘We are actively challenging biases associated with the digital realm. The narrative that coding is exclusively a masculine domain emerged predominantly in the 1980s.’

Both by Ring #13 - Digital is both a solution and a big problem

‘Digital technology is necessary to accelerate the ecological and social transitions. Our aim is to establish a space where individuals can engage in discussions and debates on these matters.’

Both by Ring #12 - Without social justice, there can be no ecological transition

‘It is possible to invent an investment in the capital of cooperatives’

European agri & food: 5 trends shaping 2023

Both by Ring #11 - Circularity & Geopolitical, agriculture & 'fungi-tech'

‘Tomorrow, it is up to Europe to decide what a sustainable product is for us, otherwise we will not win this battle’

Mission-driven companies: is it so easy to run business and impact?

‘Out of 3 billions clothes manufactured each year, only 3% are Made In France’

The top 5 carbon reduction solutions for 2023

'The low-carbon construction is accelerated by the current economic and regulatory context'

How do you manage the puzzle of salary increases (with inflation as a bonus)?